Pharmaceutical Lab
The Standards and Regulatory Division of the Ministry of Health and Wellness depends on the Certificates of Analysis generated by the Department of Government Chemist. In particular, pharmaceuticals to be registered in Jamaica whether manufactured locally or abroad. Products are tested according to the British Pharmacopoeia, the United States Pharmacopeia or manufacturer’s methods as appropriate.
On occasion, Hospitals, Health Departments, as well as the Standards and Regulatory Division (MOHW) may request testing of pharmaceuticals for investigative purposes.
- Assay by Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry
- Identification by Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry
- Dissolution by Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry
- Assay by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- Dissolution by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- Identification by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- Identification by Retention
- Assay by Potentiometric Titration
- Assay by Endpoint Titration
- Identification by TLC
- Identification by IR
- Indentification by Chemicl Reaction
- Disintegration
- Deliverable Volume
- Minimum Fill
- Uniformity of Weight
- Unifomity of Content
- Related Substances
- Degradation Products
- Loss on Drying
- pH Determination
- Alcohol Content
- Extractable Volume

Food Laboratory
Alcohol: Under the Excise Act, the Department performs analysis of alcohol samples submitted by the Tax Administration Department to determine alcohol content or to determine if the sample is properly denatured. Analysis is also conducted for private individuals where appropriate.
Food: The Department performs analysis of milk samples submitted by Health Departments to determine fat content, solids-not-fat content and Total solids content.
The Department also performs analysis of fish samples submitted by Health Departments to determine contamination with formaldehyde. Health Departments will also submit other food samples for analysis where chemical contamination is suspected. Analysis is also conducted for private individuals where appropriate.
Tests Done in the Food Laboratory:
- % Fat in raw and processed Milk
- % Solids Not FAt in raw and processed Milk
- % Total solids in raw and processed Milk
- Alcohol Determination for Alcoholic Beverages
- Determination of Denatonium Benzoate in Denatured Alcohol
Toxicology Laboratory
The Department of Government Chemist performs analysis of body fluids and tissues in cases of suspected chemical exposure or ingestion, or to rule out that probability. Samples are submitted primarily from public hospitals. Tests include toxicology drugs screens and tests for specific chemicals suspected by the attending physician. In certain instances, scene residues, example the alleged ingested food/drink are also investigated.
Tests Done in the Toxicology Laboratory:
- Toxicology Screen for basic, neutral and acidic drugs in Biological Specimens
- Toxicology Screen for Food Sample
- Detection for Volatile Reducing Substances in Blood
- Dettection for Formaldehyde in Fish
- Detection for Arsenic, Antimony, Bismuth & Mercury
- Detection for Paraquat-Dithionite in Urine or Stomach Content